Kelly Mares made $15,388 in 2018 working as a public employee in Calhoun County, placing the worker in the 31st percentile of pay for Michigan public employees.
Meagan Visser earned $38,865 working for Lakeview School District in 2018, putting the employee in the 55th percentile in pay among Michigan public employees.
Kelly Mason made $4,364 in 2018 working as a public employee in Calhoun County, placing the worker in the 12th percentile of pay for Michigan public employees.
Dennis Patton made $52,248 in 2018 working as a public employee at Mar Lee School District, ranking the worker in the 67th percentile in terms of pay among Michigan public employees with available salary information.
Melissa Wierenga earned $38,875 working for Battle Creek Public Schools in 2018, putting the employee in the 55th percentile in pay among Michigan public employees.
The average cost for a gallon of premium gas in or near zip code 49014 for the week of July 20-26 is $2.94, according to The lowest price is $2.94.
Debra Lashley made $11,734 in 2018 working as a public employee at Mar Lee School District, ranking the worker in the 25th percentile in terms of pay among Michigan public employees with available salary information.
Jessica Dotson earned $38,977 working for Marshall Public Schools in 2018, putting the employee in the 55th percentile in pay among Michigan public employees.
Charlene Baker earned $38,757 working for Lakeview School District in 2018, putting the employee in the 55th percentile in pay among Michigan public employees.
Kelly Polcyn made $1,572 in 2018 working as a public employee in Calhoun County, placing the worker in the fourth percentile of pay for Michigan public employees.
Brian P. Winstone earned $59,238 in compensation during 2019 working at Michigan Department of Health & Human Services Calhoun County in Battle Creek as a services specialist.
Tina Tucker earned $38,800 working for Homer Community Schools in 2018, putting the employee in the 55th percentile in pay among Michigan public employees.
The average cost for a gallon of regular gas in or near zip code 49012 for the week of July 20-26 is $2.25, according to The lowest price is $2.25.
Kelly Karns made $47,029 in 2018 working as a public employee in Calhoun County, placing the worker in the 63rd percentile of pay for Michigan public employees.
Micheal Leche made $28,608 in 2018 working as a public employee at Mar Lee School District, ranking the worker in the 46th percentile in terms of pay among Michigan public employees with available salary information.
Rachel Nelson made $4,504 in 2018 working as a public employee at Mar Lee School District, ranking the worker in the 12th percentile in terms of pay among Michigan public employees with available salary information.
Kelly Landenberger made $3,390 in 2018 working as a public employee in Calhoun County, placing the worker in the 10th percentile of pay for Michigan public employees.